Sci-fi horror has had a major influence on speculative fiction over the last century as our collective awareness of the size of the universe has drastically expanded. 

Here, I’d like to share with you several of the mind-bending, paradigm-challenging, and awe-inspiring topics in exobiology and science fiction horror.

Upcoming Sci-fi Horror Films


Neil Blomkamp's highly anticipated sci-fi thriller set on a space station with its crew mysteriously killed by an unknown force.

Alien: Romulus

The newest installment of the Alien franchise is set to release in August this year, and will see links to previous films without being a direct sequel.

A Quiet Place: Day One

The third movie in the franchise releases June 28, 2024 and promises to be another terrifying sci-fi horror movie to enjoy.

Life Beyond

This sequence of documentaries by Melodysheep is, to me, the most jaw-dropping and inspiring modern take on alien life and our place in the cosmos. I can’t recommend this series strongly enough.

Sci-fi Horror Digital Media

Sci-fi horror films and video games have expanded marvelously during my life-time. Here are some of the best and my favorites.

The Thing

The Thing, by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell is considered by many to be the quintessential sci-fi horror film of our time.


The entire Alien franchise is a must-see for any sci-fi horror fan.

Event Horizon

Event Horizon influenced several later sci-fi horror films and games including Pandorum and Dead Space.


Not widely known, Pandorum is an excellent sci-fi horror film with a great cast, great horror, and solid twists.


Annihilation was adapted by Alex Garland from Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach Trilogy, and is an excellent and deeply unsettling entry into cosmic horror.

Dead Space

Dead Space took the gaming world by surprise and has spawned numerous sequels, films, and print media. Absolutely fantastic sci-fi horror.

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